The best way to describe it is to think about how long you've spent searching for answers online to something super simple to do with your website and you've gone round in circles, come and get that question answered, meet new people, get an awesome lunch, hang out in the studio, drink good coffee and get things done!
UPDATE - Workshop One has been decided and it's going to go a little something like this...
An introduction to Shopify...
After looking through your answers and recently getting myself to Shopify Experts status I have decided on the format for the first workshop. Nottingham(and I'm sure every other city) is full of people who are grafting 9 to 5 and juggling a side-line gig which they would much prefer was their main deal so the first workshop/session will be based around getting online, getting noticed and selling!
So what is Shopify?
Shopify is an e-commerce website building platform which is all about helping you grow your business. You can setup a website and sell there, you can simply sell your goods on social media or even use Shopify purely to take card payments at a trade show, it's very flexible and will cover most situations.
A simple dashboard helps you keep track of everything - stock, orders, customers, sales figures and being as specific as how much one customer has spent so you can reward them or setting a unique tax and delivery rate for a single country.
Affordable and straight forward pricing starting at £20 per month with a 2.2% + 20 pence charge per order.
And if you can post something to Facebook or Instagram then it's just about that simple to use.
The Workshop
This first workshop will be aimed at people who are thinking about getting online and selling their goods or maybe you've had a go yourself on a different platform and it isn't working out or perhaps you've been advertising your products on Instagram but it's time to make them available to buy.
With the date yet to be confirmed the day will go something like this:
- Coffee on arrival!
- The basics of Shopify
- How to pick a theme - there are some great free ones
- Thinking about the structure/framework of your site from a customers point of view
- Creating pages and a Menu system
- Lunch - I will put on some tasty snacks and we'll take a little breather
- Explore Products and Collections
- Homepage customisation and how to use the Customise Theme area
- Q & A
There are only 6 spaces available and the whole session will be very relaxed and informal with chances for me to come round and offer some 1 to 1 guidance. To get the most out of the session it's a great idea to bring as much of your content as possible, copy, prices, photos, colours, pin boards, swatches, whatever you've got. The aim of this workshop is to get you a solid base to build upon and the skills and confidence to use Shopify. You'll go away knowing how to upload the rest of your products, add more photos to your homepage, connect Instagram and much more. When you are ready to go live I will also help you connect your domain for free. It will be a ticketed event and cost £275 per person, start at 10am and finish around 4pm.
Next Step
If you've got this far then that's wicked! If you would like to be a part of the workshop then I am taking bookings via email. I will then hold a drop-in day where we can meet and make sure that Shopify is right for you, I'll get some details from you and create a development site which you can work on during the workshop but also turn in to your finished site (If we do it this way then you can take as long as you want to finish your site without it costing you a monthly fee).
I look forward to hearing any of your questions and to helping you get online!